The Liberty Row WWI Memorial Trees and Markers

Sponsoring Organization:
Joint Veterans Commission of Cuyahoga County
P.O. Box 32700
Cleveland, Ohio
Tel. (216)

CONTIGUOUS PROJECT TO LIBERTY VETERANS HONOR GARDEN - Restoration of the 800-plus WWI Memorial Trees with markers at their bases originally dedicated in 1919 in honor of those killed from Greater Cleveland Ohio during WWI.

This restoration and separate project is referred to as the WWI Liberty Row Veterans Memorials, and it is also being sponsored by the JVCOCC.

The marker medallions will be cast from bronze that will be made from re-using the bronze plates that were at the "Fountain of Eternal Life" at Mall "A" in downtown Cleveland (by the Marriott Hotel and Cleveland Board of Education Building) prior to its rededication to all who died from Cuyahoga County starting with the Spanish American War and up to and including the most recent and current Persian Gulf Wars.

Click here  for a listing of those from WWI who were memorialized with the Liberty Row trees and markers.